Stripe payment gateway integration in laravel 8 using AJAX

When building an e-commerce platform or a web application that involves payment processing, Stripe payment gateway integration in laravel is a reliable payment gateway integration. Stripe is a popular payment gateway that offers a simple and secure way to process payments online.

In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to integrate Stripe payment gateway in Laravel using AJAX. AJAX allows us to submit form data without refreshing the page, providing a better user experience for our customers. We’ll cover the steps required to install the Stripe PHP library, set up API keys, create a payment form, process the payment using Laravel, and finally, we’ll update the checkout method to return a JSON response instead of a plain string. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be able to easily accept payments online using Stripe and Laravel with AJAX.

Step 1: Add CSRF Token

Since we will be submitting the form data using AJAX, we need to include the CSRF token in our form data. Add the following meta tag to your HTML code:

<meta name="csrf-token" content="{{ csrf_token() }}">

This will add a CSRF token to your page, which you can access using JavaScript.

Step 2: Submit the Form Using AJAX

Next, we need to submit the form data using AJAX. We can do this using the $.ajax() method in jQuery. Update your HTML code to include the following JavaScript code:

<script src=""></script><script>    $(document).ready(function() {        $('form').submit(function(e) {            e.preventDefault();            // Get the form data            var formData = {                name: $('input[name=name]').val(),                email: $('input[name=email]').val(),                amount: $('input[name=amount]').val(),                _token: $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')            };            // Send the form data to the server            $.ajax({                type: 'POST',                url: '{{ route('checkout') }}',                data: formData,                success: function(response) {                    alert(response);                },                error: function(response) {                    alert('Error: ' + response.responseText);                }            });        });    });</script>

This code listens for form submissions and sends the form data to the server using AJAX. It also includes the CSRF token in the form data.

Step 3: Update the Checkout Method

Finally, we need to update the checkout method in our PaymentController to return a JSON response instead of a plain string.

// app/Http/Controllers/PaymentController.phpuse Illuminate\Http\Request;use Stripe\Charge;use Stripe\Customer;use Stripe\Stripe;class PaymentController extends Controller{    public function checkout(Request $request)    {        // Validate the form data        $request->validate([            'name' => 'required|string',            'email' => 'required|email',            'amount' => 'required|numeric|min:1',        ]);        // Set your secret key        Stripe::setApiKey(config('services.stripe.secret'));        // Create a new customer        $customer = Customer::create([            'email' => $request->email,            'name' => $request->name,        ]);        // Charge the customer        $charge = Charge::create([            'customer' => $customer->id,            'amount' => $request->amount * 100,            'currency' => 'usd',            'description' => 'Payment for ' . $request->name,        ]);        // Return a JSON response        return response()->json([            'message' => 'Payment processed successfully!'        ]);    }}

In the code above, we use Laravel’s response()->json() method to return a JSON response instead of a plain string.


In this tutorial, you learned how to integrate Stripe with your Laravel application using AJAX. You learned how to submit the form data using AJAX, update the checkout method in your PaymentController to return a JSON response, and handle the success or error response in your JavaScript code. With this knowledge, you can now accept payments online using Stripe and Laravel with AJAX.
