Service container vs Service provider in laravel

Laravel is one of the most popular PHP frameworks that is widely used for web application development. One of the core features of Laravel is its service container and service providers. In this article, we’ll explore what service providers are, the difference between a provider and a container, why we use them, the difference between the boot and register methods, and how to use a custom service provider with a real-world example.

What is a Service Provider in Laravel?

A service provider in Laravel is a class that registers services in the service container. The service container is a dependency injection (DI) container that is used to manage object dependencies in Laravel. A service provider is responsible for registering the services that are required by the application. These services can be any object or class that the application needs to function.

Difference between Service Provider and Service Container

The service container is the container that manages the application’s dependencies, while a service provider is responsible for registering those dependencies in the container. Here are some of the differences between the two:

Service ProviderService Container
Registers services in the containerManages the dependencies of the application
Provides a way to register services and dependenciesResolves dependencies and returns instances
Extends the functionality of the containerManages object instances and their lifetimes
Can be created and used outside of LaravelIs an integral part of Laravel’s architecture

Why do we use Service Providers?

Service providers are used to register services and dependencies that are required by the application. By registering these services in the service container, they can be easily accessed and used throughout the application. This allows for easier testing, better maintainability, and improved performance.

Difference between Service Provider Boot and Service Provider Register methods

When creating a service provider in Laravel, there are two methods that can be used: the boot method and the register method. The main difference between the two is that the register method is used to register services in the container, while the boot method is used to perform any necessary setup or initialization.

Register MethodBoot Method
Used to register services in the service containerUsed to perform any necessary setup or initialization
Called when the service provider is registeredCalled when all service providers have been registered
Should only register bindings in the service containerShould not register bindings in the service container
Should be used to register events and listenersShould be used to modify or configure the application at runtime

How to use a Custom Service Provider with a Real-world Example

To use a custom service provider in Laravel, you need to create a new class that extends the Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider class. In this class, you can define the services that you want to register in the container, along with any necessary configuration or setup.

Let’s take a real-world example of using a custom service provider in Laravel. Suppose we have an application that needs to send emails. We want to use the SendGrid API to send these emails, and we want to make sure that the API key is kept secure. To achieve this, we can create a custom service provider that registers the necessary services and configuration.

First, we need to create a new class that extends the ServiceProvider class. We’ll call this class SendGridServiceProvider. In this class, we’ll define the register method, which will register the necessary services in the container:

namespace App\Providers;use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;use SendGrid;class SendGridServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider{    public function register()    {        $this->app->singleton(SendGrid::class, function () {            $apiKey = env('SENDGRID_API_KEY');			return new SendGrid($apiKey);		});	}}

In this code, we’re registering a SendGrid service in the container using the singleton method. This service will use the SendGrid API key from the environment variables.

Next, we need to register this service provider in our application. To do this, we’ll add the SendGridServiceProvider class to the providers array in the config/app.php file:

'providers' => [        // Other service providers…       App\Providers\SendGridServiceProvider::class,],

Now that we’ve registered our custom service provider, we can use the SendGrid service throughout our application by injecting it into our classes:

namespace App\Http\Controllers;use Illuminate\Http\Request;use SendGrid;class EmailController extends Controller{    public function send(Request $request)    {        $sendgrid = app(SendGrid::class);        // Use the SendGrid API to send an email...    }}

In this code, we’re injecting the SendGrid service into our EmailController class using Laravel’s app helper function. We can then use this service to send emails using the SendGrid API.


Service providers and the service container are powerful features of Laravel that allow you to easily manage dependencies and services in your application. By understanding the difference between a provider and a container, why we use them, the difference between the boot and register methods, and how to use a custom service provider with a real-world example, you’ll be able to take full advantage of these features in your Laravel projects.
