Difference between let and var and const

JavaScript provides several ways to declare variables, including let, var, and const. While these three keywords are similar, they have different behaviors and use cases. In this article, we will compare let, var, and const in a table with examples and syntax.

Hoistingnot hoistedhoistednot hoisted
Reassignmentcan be reassignedcan be reassigned and redeclaredcannot be reassigned


The let keyword was introduced in ECMAScript 6 and is used to declare variables with block-level scoping. This means that variables declared with let are only accessible within the block they are defined in, such as a function or a loop. let variables can be reassigned but cannot be redeclared within the same scope.


let variableName = value;


function myFunction() {  let x = 5;  if (true) {    let x = 10;    console.log(x); // 10  }  console.log(x); // 5}

In this example, x is declared twice with let, but each declaration is within a different block, so they are treated as separate variables. The value of x inside the if block is 10, while the value of x outside the block is 5.


The var keyword has been used in JavaScript since the beginning and is used to declare variables with function-level scoping. This means that variables declared with var are accessible within the entire function they are defined in, regardless of where they are declared within the function. var variables can be reassigned and can also be redeclared within the same scope.


var variableName = value;


function myFunction() {  var x = 5;  if (true) {    var x = 10;    console.log(x); // 10  }  console.log(x); // 10}

In this example, x is declared twice with var, but both declarations are within the same function, so they refer to the same variable. The value of x inside the if block is 10, and the value of x outside the block is also 10 because the second declaration of x overwrites the first one.


The const keyword was also introduced in ECMAScript 6 and is used to declare variables that cannot be reassigned. const variables also have block-level scoping, meaning that they are only accessible within the block they are defined in. const variables cannot be reassigned or redeclared within the same scope.


const variableName = value;


function myFunction() {  const x = 5;  if (true) {    const x = 10;    console.log(x); // 10  }  console.log(x); // 5}

In this example, x is declared twice with const, but each declaration is within a different block, so they are treated as separate variables. The value of x inside the if block is 10, while the value of x outside the block is 5, and neither can be reassigned or redeclared within the same scope.


In summary, let, var, and const are all used to declare variables in JavaScript, but they have different scoping rules and behaviors.

let is used to declare variables with block-level scoping, and they can be reassigned but not redeclared within the same scope. It is often preferred over var because it prevents the closure problem where the same variable is shared across different iterations of a loop or functions.

var is used to declare variables with function-level scoping, and they can be both reassigned and redeclared within the same scope. It is commonly used in older JavaScript code but is considered less flexible and potentially prone to errors than let.

const is used to declare variables with block-level scoping that cannot be reassigned or redeclared within the same scope. It is useful for declaring constants or values that should not change throughout the program.

Understanding the differences between let, var, and const is important for writing clean, maintainable, and bug-free code in JavaScript.
